


This document is valid for Version 0.7 of Cobub Razor.

Cobub Razor API Manual

1 API List

Interface Description
login User login validation
getproductlist To obtain a list of accessible applications
getversionlist To obtain a list all versions
getchannellist get all the channel list
getbasicdata To obtain basic data
getbasicdatabychannel To obtain basic data( by channel)
getbasicdatabyversion To obtain basic data( by version)
getactiveratio Get active rate in the latest week/month
getchannelactiveratio For each version this week/this month’s rate of active users and active
getfrequency Access to frequently used data
getusingtime Access to use length data
getdatabyhour Get data by hour
getpagedata Obtain the data of page access
getcountry Obtain geographical analysis data (state)
getregion Obtain geographical analysis data (province)
getretention Get the user data is retained
getdevicebrand Data acquisition terminal name
getdeviceosversion Data acquisition terminal operating system version
getdeviceresolution Data acquisition terminal resolution
getdevicecarrier Data acquisition terminal operators
getdevicenetwork Data acquisition terminal connected to the Internet way
geteventdata Access the event data
geteventdetail Detailed data for a single event
getconversionlist For the conversion list
getconversiondetail Conversion in detail information
geterrorbyversion Get error message (by version)
geterrordetailbyversion Get error detailed information(by version)
geterrordetaillistbyversion Access error detailed list (by version)
geterrordistributionbyversion Get error in the distribution of operating systems and devices (by version)
geterrorbyosversion Get error message(by os version)
geterrordetailbyosversion Get error detail infomation( by os version)
geterrordetaillistbyosversion Access error detailed list (by os version)
geterrordistributionbyversion To obtain the distribution of mistakes in the version and the equipment (by os version)
geterrorbydevice Get error message (by device)
geterrordetailbydevice Get error detail information (by device)
geterrordetaillistbydevice Access error detailed list(by device)
geterrordistributionbydevice Mistakes in the version and operating system version of the distribution(by device)

All OpenAPI based on HTTP and JSON, please make sure that JSON string in POST body with a content= prefix, like this:

POST Body: content={“user”:”userA”,”password”:”pwd”}

1.1 User authentication


1.1.1 Functional specifications

User login validation.

1.1.2 Call instructions The request method

post Address of the request

PREURL/api/login (PREURL is the prefix of Cobub Razor website, such as http://localhost/ums/index.php?, same as below)

1.1.3 parameters

The field names Data types Description Mandatory
username String cobub username yes
password String The md5 encrypted password yes

Sending JSON data instance:





1.1.4 result

The field names Data types Description Mandatory
flag String >0 success,<0 failure yes
msg String Prompt information yes
sessionkey String Parameters when API calls yes

Returns a JSON data instance:












Error types:

Flag Msg Description
-1 username not exists username not exists
-2 invalid password invalid password
-3 too many login attempts too many login attempts
-4 DB ErrorDatabase Error

1.2 To obtain a list of accessible applications


1.2.1 Functional specifications

To obtain a list of accessible applications.

1.2.2 Call instructions The request method

post Address of the request


1.2.3 parameters

The field names Data types Description Required
sessionkey String the key after a successful login to validation yes

Sending JSON data instance:


“sessionkey”: “765E5A00B76FF4ECA098BB”


1.2.4 result

The field names Data types Description Required
flag String >0Success,The size of queryresult, <0fail yes
msg String Prompt information yes
sessionkey String Parameters when API calls yes

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryresult”: [


"platform": "iOS",

"productid": "1",

"productname": "name1"



"platform": "Android",

"productid": "2",

"productname": "name2"









Error type definition:

Flag Msg 说明
-1 JSON format is not correct JSON format is not correct
-2 Sessionkey is invalide Sessionkey is invalide
-3 DB Error Database error
-4 Network error Network error

1.3 To obtain a list all versions


1.3.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid get all the version information of the product

1.3.2 Call instructions The request method

post Address of the request


1.3.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login successyes
productid String productid yes

Sending JSON data instance:


“sessionkey”: “765E5A00B76FF4ECA098BB”,



1.3.4 Results

Field name Data type Description Required
flag String >0Success,The size of queryresult yes
msg String Prompt information yes
queryresult JSONArray Version List no
versionString version nameyes

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"version": "0.1"



"version": "0.2"









Error type :

Flag Msg Description
-1 JSON format is not correct JSON format is not correct
-2 Sessionkey is invalid Sessionkey is invalid
-3 DB Error Database Error
-4 Network error Network error

1.4 Get all the channel list


1.4.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid get all the channel information of the product

1.4.2 Call instructions The request method

post Address of the request


1.4.3 parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success yes
productid String productid yes

Sending JSON data instance:


“sessionkey”: “765E5A00B76FF4ECA098BB”,



1.4.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag String >0Success,The size of queryresult yes
msg String Prompt info yes
queryresult JSONArray Version列表 no
id String channel ID yes
name String channel Name yes

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"id": "1",




"id": "2",







“flag”: “0″,








Error type:

Flag Msg Description
-1 JSON format is not correct JSON format is not correct
-2 Sessionkey is invalide Sessionkey is invalide
-3 DB Error Database Error
-4 Network error Network error

1.5 To obtain basic data


1.5.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid start times access to the product within a certain period of time, new users, active users, and average use time, upgrade user, user.

1.5.2 Call instructions The request method

post Address of the request


1.5.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success yes
productid String Product ID yes
startdate String start date yes
enddate String end date yes

Sending JSON data instance:


“sessionkey”: “765E5A00B76FF4ECA098BB”,





1.5.4 result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success,The size of queryresult, yes
msg String Prompt information yes
queryresult JSONArray Version list no
date String date yes
sessions String session yes
activeusers String active user yes
newusers String new user yes
usingtime String using time yes
allusers String all users yes
upgradeusers String upgradeusers yes

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: 2,

“queryResult”: [



"sessions": 10,

"activeusers": 10,

"newusers": 10,

"usingtime": 10,

"allusers": 10,

"upgradeusers": 10




"sessions": 10,

"activeusers": 10,

"newusers": 10,

"usingtime": 10,

"allusers": 10,

"upgradeusers": 10









Error type:

Flag Msg Description
-1 JSON format is not correct JSON format is not correct
-2 Sessionkey is invalide Sessionkey is invalide
-3 DB Error Database Error

1.6 To obtain basic data (by channel)


1.6.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid start times of all channels under the specified time period, the new users, active users, and average use time, cumulative users, cumulative startup times.

1.6.2 Call instructions The request method

post Address of the request


1.6.3 parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success y
productid String product ID y
startdate String start date y
enddate String end date y

Sending JSON data instance:



“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,

“productid”: “123″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1


1.6.4 result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success,The size of queryresult <0fail y
queryResult JSONArray The detailed information ,the size of queryresult y
datevalue String date y
sessions String sessions y
activeusers String activeusers y
newusers String newusers y
usingtime String usingtime y
allusers String allusers y
upgradeusers String upgradeusers y

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"1": [


"datevalue": "20120101",

"activeusers": "10",

"newusers": "0",

"sessions": "10",

"upgradeusers": "10",

"allusers": "10",

"allsessions": "10",

"usingtime": "10"



"datevalue": "20120102",

"activeusers": "10",

"newusers": "0",

"sessions": "10",

"upgradeusers": "10",

"allusers": "10",

"allsessions": "10",

"usingtime": "10"



“2″: [


"datevalue": "20120101",

"activeusers": "10",

"newusers": "0",

"sessions": "10",

"upgradeusers": "10",

"allusers": "10",

"allsessions": "10",

"usingtime": "10"



"datevalue": "20120102",

"activeusers": "10",

"newusers": "0",

"sessions": "10",

"upgradeusers": "10",

"allusers": "10",

"allsessions": "10",

"usingtime": "10"






1.7 To obtain basic data (by version)


1.7.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid under specified period all versions of sessions, activeusers, activeusers, average usingtime, allusers, accumulated sessions.

1.7.2 Call instructions The request method

post Address of the request


1.7.3 parameter

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login successy
productid String productid y
startdate String startdate y
enddate String enddate y

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.7.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int 标识,>0成功,且为queryResult的size<0失败 YES
queryResult JSONArray 详细信息,queryresult为JSONArray对象flag对应值:大于等于0为queryresult数组的长度,包括version的数组 YES
datevalue String date YES
activeusers String active users YES
newusers String new users YES
sessions String sessions YES
upgradeusers String upgrade users YES
allusers String all users YES
allsessions String all sessions YES
usingtime String usingtime YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"0.1": [


"datevalue": "20120101",

"activeusers": "10",

"newusers": "0",

"sessions": "10",

"upgradeusers": "10",

"allusers": "10",

"allsessions": "10",

"usingtime": "10"



"datevalue": "20120102",

"activeusers": "10",

"newusers": "0",

"sessions": "10",

"upgradeusers": "10",

"allusers": "10",

"allsessions": "10",

"usingtime": "10"



“0.2″: [


"datevalue": "20120101",

"activeusers": "10",

"newusers": "0",

"sessions": "10",

"upgradeusers": "10",

"allusers": "10",

"allsessions": "10",

"usingtime": "10"



"datevalue": "20120102",

"activeusers": "10",

"newusers": "0",

"sessions": "10",

"upgradeusers": "10",

"allusers": "10",

"allsessions": "10",

"usingtime": "10"






1.8 Get active rate in the latest week/month


1.8.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid get activeusers and active rate in the latest week/month.

1.8.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.8.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″


1.8.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
wusers String weekly active users YES
musers String monthly active users YES
wuserpercent String weekly user percent YES
muserpercent String monthly user percent YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “1″,

“wusers”: “100″,

“musers”: “1029″,

“wuserpercent”: “0.31″,

“muserpercent”: “0.32″


1.9 For each version this week/this month active rate


1.9.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid get activeusers and active rate in the latest week/month.

1.9.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.9.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey int A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
type String week/month YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-1-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-1″,

“type”: “week”,


1.9.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
datevalue String date YES
activeusers String weekly active users/monthly active users
rate String Weekly rate of active/Monthly rate of active YES
channelid String Channel ID YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"1": [


"datevalue": "2013-1-1",

"activeusers": "100",

"rate": 0.03



"datevalue": "2013-1-8",

"activeusers": "100",

"rate": 0.02



"datevalue": "2013-1-15",

"activeusers": "100",

"rate": 0.03



“2″: [


"datevalue": "2013-1-1",

"activeusers": "100",

"rate": 0.03



"datevalue": "2013-1-8",

"activeusers": "100",

"rate": 0.03



"datevalue": "2013-1-15",

"activeusers": "100",

"rate": 0.03






1.10 Get frequency


1.10.1 Functional specifications

According to the use frequency productid for period of time.

1.10.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.10.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.10.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
segment_sk String The frequency distribution id YES
segment_name String Name of the frequency distribution YES
access String visits YES
percentage String The percentage YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: 6,

“queryResult”: [


"segment_sk": "1",

"segment_name": "1-2次",

"access": 17,

"percentage": 0.017



"segment_sk": "2",

"segment_name": "3-5次",

"access": 25,

"percentage": 0.025



"segment_sk": "3",

"segment_name": "6-9次",

"access": 38,

"percentage": 0.038



"segment_sk": "4",

"segment_name": "10-19次",

"access": 109,

"percentage": 0.109



"segment_sk": "5",

"segment_name": "20-49次",

"access": 307,

"percentage": 0.307



"segment_sk": "6",

"segment_name": "50次以上",

"access": 504,

"percentage": 0.504




1.11 Obtain usingtime data


1.11.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid get usingtime distribution period.

1.11.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.11.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.11.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
segment_sk String The frequency distribution id YES
segment_name String Name of the frequency distribution YES
numbers String times YES
percentage String proportion YES

Returns a JSON data instance: Success:


“flag”: 6,

“queryResult”: [


"segment_sk": 1,

"segment_name": "0-3",

"numbers": 3,

"percentage": 0.03



"segment_sk": 2,

"segment_name": "3-10",

"numbers": 11,

"percentage": 0.01



"segment_sk": 3,

"segment_name": "10-30",

"numbers": 40,

"percentage": 0.04



"segment_sk": 4,

"segment_name": "30-60",

"numbers": 110,

"percentage": 0.13



"segment_sk": 5,

"segment_name": "60-180",

"numbers": 379,

"percentage": 0.46



"segment_sk": 6,

"segment_name": "180",

"numbers": 279,

"percentage": 0.33




1.12 Obtain the data per hour


1.12.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid for period of 24 hours of use.

1.12.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.12.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.12.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
segment_sk String The frequency distribution id YES
segment_name String Name of the frequency distribution YES
numbers String times YES
percentage String proportion YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: 1,

“activeuser”: {

“1″: 30,

“2″: 20,

“3″: 33,

“4″: 33,


“23″: 2


“newuser”: {

“1″: 30,

“2″: 20,

“3″: 33,

“4″: 33,


“23″: 2


“sessions”: {

“1″: 30,

“2″: 20,

“3″: 33,

“4″: 33,


“23″: 2



1.13 Access to the data access page


1.13.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid and version get access detail page within the time period.

1.13.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.13.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
version String The version number, if version number is empty it means all version NO

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,






“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,


1.13.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
activity String page name YES
exitcount String In the activity out of times YES
count String count of activity YES
duration String duration of activity YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: 1,

“queryResult”: [


"activity": "MainActivity",

"exitcount": 3,

"count": 33,

"duration": 233



"activity": "AboutActivity",

"exitcount": 3,

"count": 33,

"duration": 233




1.14 Obtain geographical analysis data (state)


1.14.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid for period before access to N (determined by the limit) national distribution of the data.

1.14.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.14.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
limit String Top N NO

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,



1.14.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
newusers JSONArray new users YES
activeusers JSONArray active users YES
num String times YES
country String country name YES
id String Serial number, inversion, and num is the biggest row in front YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"newusers": [


"id": "1",

"country": "Bangladesh",

"num": 0



"id": "2",

"country": "China",

"num": 0



"id": "3",

"country": "",

"num": 0



“activeusers”: [


"id": "1",

"country": "British",

"num": 343



"id": "2",

"country": "China",

"num": 22



"id": "3",

"country": "Bangladesh",

"num": 1






1.15 Obtain geographical analysis data (province)


1.15.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid and country (country) for periods before access to N (determined by the limit) provinces, cities and the distribution of data.

1.15.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.15.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
country String State the name, should be identical with getcountry output YES
limit String Top N NO

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,




1.15.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
newusers JSONArray new users YES
activeusers JSONArray active users YES
num String times YES
province String province name YES
id String Serial number, inversion, and num is the biggest row in front YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"newusers": [


"id": "1",

"province": "Jiangsu",

"num": 0



"id": "2",

"province": "Beijing",

"num": 0



"id": "3",

"province": "Sichuan",

"num": 0



“activeusers”: [


"id": "1",

"province": "Jiangsu",

"num": 343



"id": "2",

"province": "Beijing",

"num": 22



"id": "3",

"province": "Sichuan",

"num": 1






1.16 Get the user data is retained


1.16.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid get user retention period.

1.16.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.16.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
type String value: month or week YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,






“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,



1.16.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult String YES
startdate JSONArray period start date YES
enddate String period end date YES
newusers String new users YES
1 String +1week/month YES
2 String +2week/month YES
3 String +3week/month YES
4 String +4week/month YES
5 String +5week/month YES
6 String +6week/month YES
7 String +7week/month YES
8 String +8week/month YES
id String id YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: 2,

“queryResult”: [



"startdate": "2012-01-01",

"enddate": "2012-01-01",

"newusers": 232,

"1": "1%",

"2": "3%",

"3": "34%",

"4": "34%",

"5": "34%",

"6": "34%",

"7": "34%",

"8": "34%"




"startdate": "2012-01-01",

"enddate": "2012-01-01",

"newusers": 232,

"1": "1%",

"2": "3%",

"3": "34%",

"4": "34%",

"5": "34%",

"6": "34%",

"7": "34%",

"8": "34%"




1.17 Data acquisition terminal name


1.17.1 Functional specifications

According to former productid acquisition period N (decided by the limit) terminal device name data distribution.

1.17.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.17.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date
limit String Top N NO

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,






“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.17.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
newusers JSONArray new users YES
activeusers JSONArray active users YES
num String times YES
brand String devicename YES
id String The serial number, inverted YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"newusers": [


"id": "1",

"name": "HTC Desire",

"num": 100



"id": "2",

"name": "HTC WildFire",

"num": 23



"id": "3",

"name": "Samsung T1000"

"num": 32



“activeusers”: [


"id": "1",

"name": "Samsung T100"

"num": 343



"id": "2",

"name": "HTC G8"

"num": 22



"id": "3",

"name": "HTC G10"

"num": 1






1.18 Data acquisition terminal operating system


1.18.1 Functional specifications

According to productid for time period prior to N (determined by the limit) a data distribution terminal operating system.

1.18.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.18.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
limit String Top N,This means all data by default NO

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,






“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.18.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
newusers JSONArray new users YES
activeusers JSONArray active users YES
num String times YES
osversion String deviceos YES
id String the serial number, inverted YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"newusers": [


"id": "1",

"osversion": "4.0",

"num": 100



"id": "2",

"osversion": "4.1",

"num": 23



"id": "3",

"osversion": "4.1.1",

"num": 32



“activeusers”: [


"id": "1",

"osversion": "4.1.1"

"num": 343



"id": "2",

"osversion": "4.1",

"num": 22



"id": "3",

"osversion": "4.0",

"num": 1






1.19 Data acquisition terminal resolution


1.19.1 Functional specifications

According to productid for time period prior to N (determined by the limit) a resolution data distribution terminal operating system.

1.19.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.19.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
limit String Top N,This means all data by default NO

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,






“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.19.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
newusers JSONArray new users YES
activeusers JSONArray active users YES
num String times YES
resolution String os resolution YES
idString id, inverted YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"newusers": [


"id": "1",

"resolution": "1280*800",

"num": 100



"id": "2",

"resolution": "480*800",

"num": 23



"id": "3",

"resolution": "480*820"

"num": 32



“activeusers”: [


"id": "1",

"resolution": "480*820"

"num": 343



"id": "2",

"resolution": "960*1024"

"num": 22



"id": "3",

"resolution": "320*480"

"num": 1






1.20 Data acquisition terminal operators


1.20.1 Functional specifications

According to former productid acquisition period N (decided by the limit) terminal operators using data distribution.

1.20.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.20.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
limit String Top N,This means all data by default NO

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,






“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.20.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
newusers JSONArray new users YES
activeusers JSONArray active users YES
num String times YES
carrier String operators YES
id String the serial number, inverted YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"newusers": [


"id": "1",

"carrier": "中国移动",

"num": 100



"id": "2",

"carrier": "中国联通",

"num": 23



"id": "3",

"carrier": "中国电信"

"num": 32



“activeusers”: [


"id": "1",

"carrier": "中国电信"

"num": 343



"id": "2",

"carrier": "中国联通"

"num": 22



"id": "3",

"carrier": "中国移动"

"num": 1






1.21 Data acquisition terminal connected to the Internet way


1.21.1 Functional specifications

According to productid for time period prior to N (determined by the limit) a terminal connected to the way data distribution.

1.21.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.21.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
limit String Top N,This means all data by default NO

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,






“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.21.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
newusers JSONArray new users YES
activeusers JSONArray active users YES
num String times YES
network String network type YES
id String the serial number, inverted YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"newusers": [


"id": "1",

"network": "WIFI",

"num": 100



"id": "2",

"network": "GPRS",

"num": 23



"id": "3",

"network": "3G"

"num": 32



“activeusers”: [


"id": "1",

"network": "WIFI",

"num": 343



"id": "2",

"network": "3G",

"num": 22



"id": "3",

"network": "GPRS",

"num": 1






1.22 Access the event data


1.22.1 Functional specifications

Based on detailed data productid for event period.

1.22.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.22.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
version String version,The default for all versions NO

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,





“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.22.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
eventid JSONArray event id YES
eventname JSONArray event name YES
num String number YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"eventid": "1",

"eventname": "clickbutton",

"num": 100



"eventid": "2",

"eventname": "payment",

"num": 23



"eventid": "3",

"eventname": "help",

"num": 23




1.23 Detailed data for a single event


1.23.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid for period of time the number of a certain event, etc.

1.23.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.23.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
eventid String event id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
version String version,缺省为所有version NO

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“eventid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,






“productid”: “1″,

“eventid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.23.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
id String id YES
datevalue String date YES
num String number YES

Returns a JSON data instance:

Success: </code> {

“flag”: “3″,

“queryResult”: [


“id”: “1”,

“datevalue”: “2013-4-1”,

“num”: 100



“id”: “2”,

“datevalue”: “2013-4-2”,

“num”: 100



“id”: “3”,

“datevalue”: “2013-4-3”,

“num”: 100




1.24 Get the conversion list


1.24.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid list of conversion data for a certain time period events.

1.24.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.24.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required

sessionkey |String |A key to validation after the login success |YES|

productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,


1.24.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
targetid String target ID YES
targetname String target name YES
price String target value YES
startevent String Initial events YES
endevent String end time YES
conversion String Conversion rate YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “3″,

“queryResult”: [


"targetid": "1",

"targetname": "1",

"price": "2013-4-1",

"startevent": "menu_exit",

"endevent": "menu_login",

"conversion": 0.87



"targetid": "2",

"targetname": "1",

"price": "2013-4-1",

"startevent": "menu_exit",

"endevent": "click",

"conversion": 0.87



"targetid": "3",

"targetname": "1",

"price": "2013-4-1",

"startevent": "menu_exit",

"endevent": "click",

"conversion": 0.87




1.25 Conversion in detail information


1.25.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid detailed information for a certain time period conversion data.

1.25.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of the request


1.25.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
targetid String target ID YES
version String version,The default for all versions YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,

“targetid”: “1″,





“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,

“targetid”: “1″,

“version”: “0.1″,


1.25.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
id String id YES
eventid String target ID YES
eventname String target name YES
num String target value YES
conversion String conversion rate YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “3″,

“queryResult”: [



"eventid": "click",

"eventname": "click事件",

"num": "100",

"conversion": 0.87




"eventid": "exit",

"eventname": "退出",

"num": "20",

"conversion": 0.87




"eventid": "quit",

"eventname": "退出",

"num": "23",

"conversion": 0.87




1.26 Get error message (press release)


1.26.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid time period for each version of the number of errors, etc.

1.26.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of request


1.26.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


==== 1.26.4    Result ====
^Field name ^Data type ^Description ^Required^
|flag |int     |>0Success, <0fail	 |YES|
|queryResult |JSONArray | |YES|
|version |String            | date	 |YES|
|num |String |number |YES|

Returns a JSON data instance:


“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [



"num": "100"




"num": "100"




===== 1.27    Error detailed information (press release) =====


==== 1.27.1    Functional specifications ====

According to the productid time period for each version of the wrong amount of detailed data, etc.

==== 1.27.2    Call instruction ====

===    The request method ===


===    Address of request ===


==== 1.27.3    Parameters ====
^Field name ^Data type ^Description ^Required^
|sessionkey |String |A key to validation after the login success |YES|
|productid |String |product id |YES|
|startdate |String       | start date	 |YES|
|enddate |String |end date |YES|
Sending JSON data instance:


“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.27.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
errorid String error ID YES
errortitle String error name YES
version String version YES
lastdate String recent date YES
num String error number YES
isfix String is fixed? YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [



"errortitle":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity#onCreateDialog did not create a dialog for id 4 at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2596) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2621)",



"num": "10",

"isfix": "true",




"errortitle":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity#onCreateDialog did not create a dialog for id 4 at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2596) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2621)",



"num": "103",

"isfix": "false",




1.28 Access error detailed list (press release)


1.28.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid for period of time of each version of a type error record all errors.

1.28.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of request


1.28.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
erroridentifier String MD5 encrypted YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,



1.28.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
datetime String recent date YES
osversion String version YES
device String device YES
stacktrace String stack trace YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"stacktrace":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity#onCreateDialog did not create a dialog for id 4 at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2596) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2621)",


"datetime":"2013-3-1 23:00:00",

"device": "HTC Desire"



"stacktrace":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity#onCreateDialog did not create a dialog for id 4 at      android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2596) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2621)",


"datetime":"2013-3-1 22:22:00",

"device": "HTC Desire"




1.29 Get error in the distribution of operating systems and devices (press release)


1.29.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid for period of time of each version of a type error record all errors.

1.29.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of request


1.29.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
erroridentifier String MD5 encrypted YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,



1.29.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
osversiondis JSONArray YES
devicedis JSONArray YES
osversion String os version
device String device YES
num String error number YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “1″,

“queryResult”: [


"osversiondis": [


"osversion": "5.0",

"num": "98"



"osversion": "5.0",

"num": "98"



“devicedis”: [


"device": "HTC Desire",

"num": "32"



"device": "HTC Desire",

"num": "32"






1.30 Get error message (according to the operating system version)


1.30.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid for period of time the operating system version of the Error number, etc.

1.30.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of request


1.30.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.30.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
osversion String os version YES
num String error number YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [



"num": "100"




"num": "100"




1.31 Error detailed information (by OS version)


1.31.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid for period of time error detail number of each OS version.

1.31.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of request


1.31.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login successYES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.31.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
errorid String error ID YES
errortitle String error titile YES
osversion String os version YES
lastdate String recent date YES
num String error number YES
isfix String is fixed? YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [



"errortitle":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity#onCreateDialog did not create a dialog for id 4 at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2596) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2621)",



"num": "10",

"isfix": "true",




"errortitle":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity#onCreateDialog did not create a dialog for id 4 at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2596) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2621)",



"num": "103",

"isfix": "false",




1.32 Access error detailed list (by OS version)


1.32.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid for period of time of each version of a type error record all errors.

1.32.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of request


1.32.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
erroridentifier String MD5 encrypted YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,



1.32.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
datetime String recent date YES
version String version YES
device Stringdevice YES
stacktrace String stack trace YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"stacktrace":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity#onCreateDialog did not create a dialog for id 4 at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2596) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2621)",


"datetime":"2013-3-1 23:00:00",

"device": "HTC Desire"



"stacktrace":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity#onCreateDialog did not create a dialog for id 4 at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2596) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2621)",


"datetime":"2013-3-1 22:22:00",

"device": "HTC Desire"




1.33 To obtain the distribution of mistakes in the version and the equipment (by OS version)


1.33.1 Functional specifications

According to productid time period for the OS version of all the error record a type error.

1.33.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of request


1.33.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
erroridentifier String MD5 encrypted YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,



1.33.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
versiondis JSONArray YES
devicedis JSONArray YES
version String version YES
device String device YES
num String error number

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “1″,

“queryResult”: [


"versiondis": [


"version": "0.1",

"num": "98"



"version": "0.2",

"num": "98"



“devicedis”: [


"device": "HTC Desire",

"num": "32"



"device": "HTC Desire",

"num": "32"






1.34 Get error message (by device)


1.34.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid time period for each version of the Error number, etc.

1.34.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of request


1.34.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.34.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
device String devicename YES
num String error number

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"device":"HTC Desire",

"num": "100"



"device":"Samsung T9100",

"num": "100"




1.35 Error detailed information (by device)


1.35.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid time period for each version of the error number in detail.

1.35.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of request


1.35.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″


1.35.4 Result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0Success, <0fail YES
queryResult JSONArray YES
errorid String error ID YES
errortitle String error 标题 YES
device String devicename YES
lastdate String recent date YES
num String error number YES
isfix String YESNO修复 YES

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [



"errortitle":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity#onCreateDialog did not create a dialog for id 4 at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2596) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2621)",

"device":"HTC Desire",


"num": "10",

"isfix": "true"




"errortitle":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity#onCreateDialog did not create a dialog for id 4 at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2596) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2621)",

"device":"Samsung T9100",


"isfix": "false"




1.36 Access error detailed list (by device)


1.36.1 Functional specifications

According to the productid for period of time of each version of a type error record all errors.

1.36.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of request


1.36.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
erroridentifier String MD5 encrypted YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,



==== 1.36.4    Result ====

^Field name ^Data type ^Description ^Required^
|flag |int   |  >0Success, <0fail	 |YES|
|queryResult |JSONArray | |YES|
|datetime |String |recent date |YES|
|version |String |version |YES|
|osversion |String |os version |YES|
|stacktrace |String |stack trace |YES|
Returns a JSON data instance:


“flag”: “2″,

“queryResult”: [


"stacktrace":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity#onCreateDialog did not create a dialog for id 4 at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2596) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2621)",


"datetime":"2013-3-1 23:00:00",

"osversion": "5.0"



"stacktrace":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Activity#onCreateDialog did not create a dialog for id 4 at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2596) at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2621)",


"datetime":"2013-3-1 22:22:00",

"osversion": "5.1"




1.37 Error in the version and operating system version of the distribution (by device)


1.37.1 Functional specifications

According to productid time period for each version and OS version number one all of the wrong type of error.

1.37.2 Call instruction The request method

post Address of request


1.37.3 Parameters

Field name Data type Description Required
sessionkey String A key to validation after the login success YES
productid String product id YES
startdate String start date YES
enddate String end date YES
erroridentifier String MD5 encrypted YES

Sending JSON data instance:



“productid”: “1″,

“startdate”: “2013-4-1″,

“enddate”: “2013-4-2″,



1.37.4 result

Field name Data type Description Required
flag int >0success,<0failure y
queryResult JSONArray y
versiondistribution JSONArray y
osversiondistribution JSONArray y
version String Version y
osversion String OS version y
num # error y

Returns a JSON data instance:



“flag”: “1″,

“queryResult”: [


"versiondistribution": [


"version": "0.1",

"num": "98"



"version": "0.2",

"num": "98"



“osversiondistribution”: [


"osversion": "5.0",

"num": "32"



"osversion": "5.1",

"num": "32"





en/razor/cobub-razor-api-manual.txt · 最后更改: 2017/07/14 11:18 (外部编辑)