Cobub Razor 0.7发布 - Cobub
Cobub Razor v0.7 is released

Cobub Razor v0.7 is released

11 years ago 2 0 6873

New version of Cobub Razor is released!

In this new version, functions in Cobub Razor Enterprise version are merged into the v0.7 open source version:

  • Provide real time report which bases on Redis;
  • Provide post tag function in SDK;
  • Upgrade the iGeTui plugin
  • Provide new plugins: Radar (iOS App Store Rank), gcm(Google Push Service) and iospush(iOS Notification Service)
  • Fix some bugs

Cobub Razor has integrated with 3rd plugins from the last version. Now it becomes from the data analysis platform to an app lifecycle management platform, which can provides help for the development, testing, deployment, marketing and operations of the app products.

Being a member of open source software, the community give the suggestions to it. Thanks for the advices and suggestions and we will make product better.

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