


User Menu of PNS

The document introduces usage of PNS Web interface.

Here are the concepts of user channel and tag channel, which must be clarified:

  • user channel is named by the unique uid of mobile device. PNS will sub the uid automatically when the connection is setup (sub means join channel)
  • tag channel is the mobile clients group(uid group) setup by sub API. for instance, a client sub “location:beijing”, then it will join into channel “location:beijing”, when push messages to “location:beijing”, the clients in group of “location:beijing” will receive messages. Tag channel can be treated as a group for tag push.

Invoking the Web interface

Push to a single user or multiple users(pub)

Push to specified one or more tag channels (tagpub)

Push to all the users of an APP (allpub)

Add uid to tag-channel (sub-tag)

Remove uid form tag-channel(unsub-tag)

Push task query (message)

User channel query (userchannel)

Tag channel query (tagchannel)

APP query(app-size)

en/toaster/user-menu-of-pns.1426831902.txt.gz · 最后更改: 2017/07/14 11:12 (外部编辑)