====== Cobub Razor Installation Guide ====== ===== 1 System Requirements ===== To run Cobub Razor – Open Source mobile analytics, the below conditions are required: * PHP 5.2.6 or greater (5.3+ is better) * Mysqli is supported * MySQL 5.0 or greater * InnoDB engine is enabled * The account of mysql have the following privileges: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, INDEX, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES,CREATE ROUTINE, EXECUTE * Web Server (Apache or Nginx) is prepared. ===== 2 Installation ===== Before start the installation, please download the latest [[en:downloads|release]] of Cobub Razor and unzip it, then put the unzipped folder into web server’s root directory. Open the web browser and input the url (http://localhost/razor/web/): ==== 2.1 Select Language Screen ==== Step 1, select system language for Cobub Razor. Cobub Razor displays the install page at the first time, and the default language is English. In the Language list, user can select language types. Now, four languages are supported, they are German, English, Chinese and Japanese. If user want to customize language, please refer to [[en:razor:multi-languages|here]]. After selection, click “Start Installation”. {{:en:razor:20150318-021054.png}} ==== 2.2 The Welcome Screen ==== Step 2, accept the license agreement. Now Cobub Razor’s web uses GPL v3 license, and SDKs use LGPL v3(More licenses information, please refer to [[en:razor:license|here]]). If user accepts the licenses, select “I accept the license attached to Cobub Razor”, then click “Next” to coninue installation. If not accept the installation,user can back to quit the system. {{:en:razor:20150318-021534.png}} ==== 2.3 System Checks ==== Next, check system conditions. Cobub Razor will check if the system conditions meet the installation requirements. The main requirements are: - PHP 5.2.6 or above - Mysqli is supported - Directories and files should have write permissions。Especially, all list directoies and its files should have write, read and execute permissions. If you can pass this check, please refer to [[en:razor:faq|FAQ]]. If all requirements are met, each items will be marked as passed. User can click “Next” to continue. {{:en:razor:20150318-021706.png}} ==== 2.4 Create Database ==== Next step is to create database. Before start this step, please make sure that the new databases are created in Mysql, which one is original database and another is for data warehouse(two independent databases are preferred). And the following items should be noticed: * Make sure that InnoDB engine is enabled. If not, please open my.ini file to modify skip-innodb to #skip-innodb * When create new databases, the password of mysql account is mandatory * For security purpose, please use new account of mysql for Cobub Razor, not root account. Input the information about original database and data warehouse, then click “Next”. {{:en:razor:20150318-022141.png}} ==== 2.5 Create Site and Admin user ==== Last step, create site and admin user. Input the root url of web (for example, http://localhost/razor/web), and DON’T forget the select the time zone. Admin user is the administrator of Cobub Razor. Click “Next”. {{:en:razor:20150318-022252.png}} ==== 2.6 Complete web installation ==== Cobub Razor web has been installed successfully. User can click “Login” to enter login page. {{:en:razor:20150318-022408.png}} Input admin name and password to login. {{:en:razor:20150318-022439.png}} After successful web installation, scheduled tasks should be configured to make system data operated periodly. ==== 2.7 Next Step – Scheduled Tasks ==== Before the Cobub Razor starts work, user must setup a scheduled task so that data can be automatically processed from database to data warehouse for producing mobile analytics statistics reports. For more details, please visit * [[en:razor:auto-archiving|Setup Scheduled Task]]
· 最后更改: 2017/07/14 11:12 (外部编辑)