Before you get start, ensure that you have the following:
Upload the new folder – cobub-razor-237c064 to the desired location on your web server(e.g. Apache or Nginx).
Here we put it to the following directory(c:\xampp\htdocs\).
A. Create a blank database, for example with the name of “cobubrazor”. In this example, we will only create ONE MySQL database. Also, if you want, you can also create separate databases for basic data and warehouse.
B. Find and replace the prefix “umsinstall_” to your own prefix in databaseinfo.sql file, eg, find & replace “umsinstall_” to “razor_”.
C. Do the same thing in dataware.sql file, replace all the prefix of “umsinstall_” to your own prefix (eg. “razordw_”), please note that you could use different prefixes in databaseinfo.sql and dataware.sql file.
D. Find and replace “umsinstall_” in datawarestore.sql file to the prefix of warehouse, eg“razordw_”. And replace all occurs of “databaseprefix.umsdatainstall_” to the fomart of “databasename.basicdbprefix”, in this sample should change to “cobubrazor.razor_”.
$db['default'] ['hostname'] = 'HOSTNAME'; $db['default'] ['username'] = 'USERNAME'; $db['default'] ['password'] = 'PASSWORD'; $db['default'] ['database'] = 'DATABASE'; $db['default'] ['dbprefix'] = 'DBPREFIX';
to your own setting:
$db['default'] ['hostname'] = 'localhost'; $db['default'] ['username'] = 'cobub'; $db['default'] ['password'] = 'cobub'; $db['default'] ['database'] = 'cobubrazor '; $db['default'] ['dbprefix'] = 'razor_';
Change data warehouse setting
$db['dw'] ['hostname'] = 'DWHOSTNAME'; $db['dw'] ['username'] = 'DWUSERNAME'; $db['dw'] ['password'] = 'DWPASSWORD'; $db['dw'] ['database'] = 'DWDATABASE'; $db['dw'] ['dbdriver'] = 'mysql'; $db['dw'] ['dbprefix'] = 'DWDBPREFIX';
to your own data ware house setting, eg
$db['dw'] ['hostname'] = 'localhost'; $db['dw'] ['username'] = 'cobub'; $db['dw'] ['password'] = 'cobub'; $db['dw'] ['database'] = 'cobubrazor '; $db['dw'] ['dbdriver'] = 'mysql'; $db['dw'] ['dbprefix'] = 'razordw_';