~~Title:Cobub Razor Upgrade Instruction (v0.4 to v0.5) - Mobile Apps Marketing Platform of Open Source - Mobile Analytics & Mobile Push Notification Solutions - Cobub Mobile Developer Center~~ {{description>Cobub Razor is an Open Source Mobile Analytics. When you are ready to upgrade Cobub Razor from version 0.4 to version 0.5, following steps is required:.}} {{keywords>Cobub Razor,open source mobile analytics,mobile analytics,mobile app analytics, upgrade}} ====== Upgrade Instruction (v0.4 to v0.5) ====== When you are ready to upgrade Cobub Razor from version 0.4 to version 0.5, following steps is required: ===== Step one: download the code of V0.5 ===== - Download the code of version 0.5 from https://github.com/cobub/razor/releases , and you can get the razor-0.5.zip, unzip it to get razor-0.5 folder, which contains the sdk and web folders. - Copy the web folder to the directory of your web site where you are ready to upgrade Cobub Razor (Note: web can not be the same name with Cobub Razor’s name of V0.4 ). To facilitate debugging, you can rename “web” to “razor_v5“, and set the $ config ['base_url'] value to the ‘http://yoururl/razor_v5 ‘ in config.php which is under the application folder . - Copy the autoload.php、database.php and routes.php of V0.4 under the directory of application\config\ to the diretory of application\config\ of V0.5, override these three files of V0.5. ===== Step two: modify the script files of database and data warehouse ===== Here, assume that your database is razor and data warehouse is razordw, and umsinstall_ is the table prefix of them. ==== 1、Modify database ==== === 1.1 Add tables === == 1)user2product == ^property name ^property value ^index ^ |id |int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT|primary key| |user_id |int(11) NOT NULL | | |product_id |int(11) NOT NULL | | sql: create table razor.umsinstall_user2product(id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,user_id int(11) NOT NULL,product_id int(11) NOT NULL); === 1.2 Modify tables === == 1) clientdata == ^property name ^property value ^changes ^ |serviceversion |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |name |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |version |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |platform |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |osversion |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |osaddtional |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |language |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |resolution |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |ismobiledevice |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |devicename |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |deviceid |varchar(200) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |defaultbrowser |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |javasupport |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |flashversion |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |modulename |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |imei |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |imsi |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |havegps |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |havebt |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |havewifi |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |havegravity |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |wifimac |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |latitude |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |longtitude |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |service_supplier |varchar(64) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |country |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |region |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |city |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |street |varchar(500) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |streetno |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| |postcode |varchar(50) |NOT NULL-> DEFAULT NULL| add: property name: useridentifier, property value:varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL。 sql : Modify the property of `serviceversion`(other columns are similar): ALTER TABLE `razor.umsinstall_clientdata` CHANGE `serviceversion` `serviceversion` VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT NULL; == 2)users == add: property name: sessionkey , property value: varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL。 sql : ALTER TABLE `razor.umsinstall_users` ADD COLUMN `sessionkey ` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL; == 3)Change the data of user_permissions == step one:clear the data of table user_permissions in database sql : TRUNCATE TABLE 'razor.umsinstall_user_permissions'; step two: import data of v0.5 Here we provide a SQL script, which is the pre-insert data of user_permissions of V0.5 , click on the user_permissionsv0.5 file behind Step six (Annex 1) ,download it to the local. Unzip it and change the name of database(razor) to your own database name(v0.4), and the table prefix(umsinstall_ ) to your own database table prefix(v0.4) in SQL script. ==== 2、Modify data warehose ==== === 2.1 Modify tables === == 1) fact_clientdata == add: property name: useridentifier, property value: varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL sql : ALTER TABLE `razordw.umsinstall_fact_clientdata` ADD COLUMN `useridentifier` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL; === 2.2 Modify the stored procedures === Stored procedures: **rundim** and **runfact**. Steps: 1)Copy the related sqls of **rundim** and **runfact** stored procedures in **datawarestore.sql** under the directory of **assets\sql** of v0.5, respectively. Store them and rename **rumdim.sql** and **runfact.sql**. 2)Modify the table prefix (Cobub Razor ‘s default table prefix is umsinstall_) Modify the **umsinstall_** in **rundim.sql** and **runfact.sql** above to your own data warehouse’s table prefix, for example,your data warehouse table prefix “razordw_”; Replace the “**databaseprefix.umsdatainstall_**” to “database.database’s table prefix”, for example, your database is **cobubrazor**,and database’s table prefix is **razor**_,the “**databaseprefix.umsdatainstall_**” should be “**cobubrazor.razor**_“. ===== Step three: stop inserting data to database and pause the stored procedures. ===== Note: you need to have prepared all the relevant SQL scripts(i.e. all sql scripts in Step two). ===== Step four: delete the stored procedures (rundim and runfact) in data warehouse. ===== ===== Step five: execute the SQL scripts generated in Step two. ===== Note: Please backup the data of your database and data warehouse before you execute the sql scripts. ===== Step six:restart the database and data warehouse. ===== Before this step, you need to do the last thing : Backup the directory of the previous web site(e.g **web**,which is the root directory of version 0.4),store it in a suitable place and named web-backup0.4, then delete **web**. Change”**razor_v5**” to “**web**”(the name of V0.4),and set $config['base_url']= ‘http://yoururl/web’ in **config.php**. Annex 1: user_permissionsv0.5